HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital invites the community to Yoga on the Beach, July 17 and August 21, at the West Side Beach in Oconto Falls.
Certified yoga instructors from LPI Fitness will lead a one-hour slow flow yoga class that is designed for all skill levels, including beginners. Attendees are encouraged to bring a yoga mat or long towel. While classes are free, registration is required for each class as space is limited.
Yoga on the Beach
- 6 to 7 p.m.
- July 17 and August 21
- West Side Beach, N. Flatley Ave. in Oconto Falls (near the pavilion)
- To register: Call (920) 834-2280 or email Betsy@lpifitness.com
Dr. Stacee Goedtel Birr, family medicine physician at the HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital Prevea Oconto Falls Health Center, will also be present at each class to talk about the benefits of yoga and answer questions.
For more information about Yoga on the Beach, visit: www.stclarememorial.org/yoga