On Monday, April 22, local health and public safety experts will lead a community presentation at HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital about human trafficking. Human trafficking is a widespread and evolving crime in the United States and abroad that affects both urban and rural communities.
“It is important for rural communities to get informed because we often assume our children and families are isolated from major crimes,” said Dr. Amy Romandine Kratz, a family medicine physician at the HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital Prevea Oconto Falls Health Center. “Traffickers don’t discriminate geographically and some specifically target rural areas because they can often go undetected.”
Dr. Romandine Kratz along with Jamie Kuhn, Detective at the Oconto Falls Police Department and Oconto Falls School Resource Officer, and Shelby Mitchell, a Sex Trafficking Victim Advocate at Family Services Sexual Assault Center NE Wisconsin, will provide an educational presentation for the community to learn:
- Human trafficking definitions and trends
- Facts and statistics about human trafficking
- How the human trafficking pandemic is impacting us locally
- Human trafficking warning signs and risk factors
- Importance of screening during doctor visits
- Common misconceptions about human trafficking
Event Details
6 p.m. on Monday, April 22
HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital, 855 S. Main St., Oconto Falls
Assisi Conference Rooms
The free event is open to adults, and teenagers and pre-teens age 12 and up with a parent or guardian present. Food and beverages will be provided. Registration is required online by April 15 at www.stclarememorial.org under “Classes, Groups & Events.” For more information, call (920) 848-6329.