Click here to see this month’s newsletter.
Construction Update May 29
Highlights from today’s Highway 22 information meeting: Grading from the railroad tracks to the Highland Drive intersection is scheduled to be completed today. Grading will continue on Highway 22 from Mercier’s Fast Stop to Adams Street the week of June 1.
When summer vacation begins the week of June 8, construction will extend past Washington Middle School to South Main Street.
The detour is still in effect. Use side streets to get to your destinations in the construction area.
NEW program that Oconto Falls Municipal Utilities
There is a NEW program that Oconto Falls Municipal Utilities is offering to its small business customers. The program is offering to match Focus on Energy incentives, up to 60% of the electrical energy efficiency project cost for qualifying equipment. It is a great opportunity for those small business’ that have a tough time covering the full cost of doing a project that will save them energy and costs for years into the future.
Click here for the brochure.
For more information please contact:
Lisa Miotke
Energy Services Representative
Serving Menasha, New London, and Oconto Falls Municipal Utilities
920-254-8931 (cell)
608-837-0274 (FAX)
Packers have made it official
The Packers have made it official. Family Night will be Saturday, August 8th at 5:30PM. Packer practice, fireworks and jersey giveaways. Tickets are $10 and we get to keep $4 for every ticket we sell. Tickets to the general public will not go on sale until June 22nd. I will take orders until June 17th. There is not a limit to the number of tickets you can order through me. This is a great fundraiser for our Athletic Department! Make check out to “OFHS” and send to me at the High School. Please feel free to pass this info on to other community members!
For more information contact:
Jerry Moynihan
Athletic Director
Oconto Falls High School
210 N. Farm Road
Oconto Falls, Wisconsin, 54154
(920) 848-4467
(920) 848-4444 (fax)
Community Safety Fair
A Community Safety Fair will take place on Saturday, June 6, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital in Oconto Falls, in conjunction with Safe Kids Oconto County.
This is a fun and free event for the whole family. Demonstrations, displays and events will include: Eagle III Helicopter, Jaws of Life, Fire Trucks, Dexter the K-9 Dog, Self Defense Demo, Medication Drop-Off, Blood Pressure Checks, Free Bike Helmets & Fitting, Bike Safety Checks, a Bike Giveaway and more.
The Community Safety Fair will take place outdoors by the ambulance garage at HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital. Event sponsors include ST Paper Company in Oconto Falls, Tyco Fire Protection Products in Marinette, City of Oconto Falls and Procter and Gamble.
NWTC Entrepreneur Resource Center
Cash is King: Understanding & Evaluating your Company`s Real-Time Cash Flow
Gain a better understanding of your business` cash flow and use it to achieve growth.
You will learn:
• How to manage your banking relationship and not be managed by it
• What business lenders expect when they make business loans
• A better understanding of terminology and financial statements
• How to effectively manage a working capital line of credit from the bank
• Budgeting & Debt Consolidation Strategies
Wednesday, June 17th 1:00-4:00 pm
Thursday, June 18th 6:00-9:00 pm
Facebook 4 Business in 4 Hours
The world’s top brands use Facebook to drive traffic, generate leads, gain valuable insights about their customers and increase online conversions via the social web and so can you!!!
Create a Business page that clearly identifies your brand Creating ads, choosing a target audience, and bidding effectively Monitoring and Measuring your success
Workshops on June 16th & 17th
Sports Physicals Proceeds to Benefit Area Schools’ Athletic Departments

Oconto Falls – Health centers in Gillett, Mountain, Oconto Falls, Lena, Oconto and Suring are accepting appointments for sports physical examinations for athletes wanting to participate in a Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) sport.
Sports physicals are performed by Prevea Health providers and licensed athletic trainers. “We are examining everything from heart issues to musculoskeletal issues,” said Mike LaMere, Prevea Sports Medicine Outreach Supervisor. “We want to make sure athletes are healthy and ready to compete.”
Sports physical examinations cost $20 and all proceeds will be donated to the athletic department of the school the athlete/patient plays for. Athletes/patients can also request their payment be donated to their sport club. Please see below for available appointment dates and times.
HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital Prevea Gillett Health Center – (920) 855-2823
Wednesday, June 24, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital Prevea Mountain Health Center – (715) 276-1600
Thursday, July 30, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Aug. 18, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital Prevea Oconto Falls Health Center – (920) 846-8187
Wednesday, July 15, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Aug. 4, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital Prevea Lena Health Center – (920) 829-6400
Tuesday, June 30, 8 to 10 a.m.
Tuesday, Aug. 25, 4 to 6 p.m.
Prevea Oconto Health Center – (920) 834-4110
Thursday, July 16, 3 to 5 p.m.
Thursday, July 30, 3 to 6 p.m.
HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital Prevea Suring Health Center – (920) 842-1147
Thursday, July 9, 1 to 5 p.m.
Thursday, July 23, 1 to 5 p.m.
For more information, visit
Memorial Day Celebration!!
Memorial Day Celebration!!
Oconto Falls, WI
Friday May 22nd thru May 25th, 2015
Parade: Monday May 25th – 12:30 p.m.
Carnival: Christman Amusement out of Wautoma, Wisconsin – Friday Night through Monday
· Carnival Specials
o Friday – Buck Special 6 until 10 p.m. every ride only $1.00 each.
o Saturday – Wristband Special 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.
o Sunday – Wristband Special 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.
o Advance Wristbands will be $14.00 sold at local merchants.
o Modified Pitch Tourney running Friday through Monday 100% payback.
o Fireworks! at dusk on the football field Saturday Night.
Rain date: Sunday Night.
o Bean Bag Tournament at 4:00 p.m. for details contact Paul @ 846-2898.
o Monday a Show-N-Shine Car & Truck Show
o Ping Pong Drop for the kids at the Football Field, right after the parade.
We will be having 2 drops: 6 years and under and 7- 12 years old. A Bike will be
given away for each drop! Plus other Prizes! For all kids!
Parade Formation: Oconto Falls Elementary School @ Maria Volk Dr. off County Road I
LINEUP: 11:00 a.m.
STEP-OFF: 12:30 p.m.
Parade Route: Farm Rd. to Main St., Right on Main St. to Washington St., Right on
Washington St. to Central Avenue, Right on Central. Finishing by Washington Middle School and Memorial Park.
As in the past, we are asking organizations PLEASE DO NOT throw candy or other items
from moving vehicles for safety reasons. If you would like to distribute items, this can be done by handing out along the parade route.
It is against the law to consume beer on floats, as well as giving it away to spectators along the parade route. If you plan on attending as an entry with live animals, please have a pooper scooper following behind you, for the prevention of parade participants stepping in something unpleasant …
If your group plans on taking part in the parade, please return the attached form to
Jenny Mercier – email or
195 W Highland Dr. Oconto Falls WI, 54154 by FRIDAY MAY 22, 2015
Any questions or concerns please call: (920)-848-8293 or (920) 604-0821
What a tradition to take part in! We’ll see you Monday May 25th!
THANK YOU For Your Support in HONORING our Veterans &
All Military active and non- active soldiers!!
Boy Scouts will be collecting nonperishable food items along the parade route
donations supporting our local food pantry – Kingdom Come.
Construction Update May 15
Highlights from the May 15 Highway 22 informational meeting:
The intersection of Highland Drive and Highway 22 by United True Value is scheduled to open Wednesday.
Work will continue on Chestnut Avenue, with grading starting Wednesday or Thursday. As part of the grading process, a gravel base will be put down. The street will remain closed to through traffic, as construction continues to the south on Chestnut.
It will take until Aug. 1 for Chestnut to be completely finished.
The Oconto Falls School District is proud to present the STEINWAY CENTERSTAGE XII concert on Saturday, May 9 in the Falls Area Performing Arts Center. The performance will begin at 3:00 p.m. This year’s featured students will be from the piano studios of Joan Johnson, Carol Ann Lemke, and Grace Skaletski. Student performers include Grace Jahnke, Elisabeth Jeske, Gabrielle Jeske, Kerstin Jeske, Helen Marquardt, Peyton Woelffer, Jacob Woulf, and Nathan Woulf.
This year’s guest artist will be Dr. Michael Rector, Assistant Professor of Music at the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. Dr. Rector has earned degrees from the Manhattan School of Music, the University of Maryland, Vancouver Academy of Music, and Oberlin College. He is committed to making the language of classical music vivid for people of all ages and backgrounds. As a pianist, he invigorates and expands the repertoire through innovative programming that re-contextualizes familiar pieces and makes vivid new and neglected works. His repertoire ranges from Haydn to Harbison and from Couperin to Carter. He is also a dedicated teacher, researcher and advocate for the arts.
Dr. Rector has performed in fifteen American states and two Canadian provinces in venues like Steinway Hall in New York and the Kennedy Center Terrace Theater in Washington, DC. He has performed in music festivals in Italy and Russia. He competes frequently in international contests, and is a prize-winner of the Jacob Flier Competition in New York. In 2012, Dr. Rector and his wife, pianist Sylvia Hong, formed Duo Affannato. They have since toured extensively in the United States and Korea. At the 2013 NFMC Ellis Duo Competition, he and his wife won the 2nd prize and Abild award for the best performance of American music. In April 2014, they toured in Eastern Europe, performing concertos with the Georgian Sinfonietta and Black Sea Symphony. Their most recent project together is a crowd-funded commission of music for two pianos that depicts concepts in science through music – Jonathan Kolm’s Creation of Discovery, intended for both concert presentation and outreach to schools and the scientific community.
Dr. Rector holds his doctoral degree from Manhattan School of Music. For the dissertation, he investigated Chopin’s harmonic practice as influenced by the music of Louis Spohr and Romantic philosophy. He also earned a bachelor’s degree from Oberlin College, where he majored in comparative literature. Michael enjoys presenting lecture-recitals and master classes both at home and abroad. His most recent article “Fascinating Corruptions-Historical Editions in Perspective” was published in the February 2014 issue of American Music Teacher.
The Steinway Centerstage concert is free and open to the public. Donations are accepted at the door.