The Oconto Falls Area Chamber of Commerce recently donated $3,000 to the fundraising efforts of a dog park in Oconto Falls. Donations continue to come in after the project received approval from the Oconto Falls City Council. To date, the campaign has raised approximately $20,000.
Emily Gonnering, an Oconto Falls High School senior and Girl Scout is working toward her Gold Award by spearheading the creation of a dog park – from budgeting to fundraising to design concepts.
The Chamber supports the project because of its focus on being a healthy community. Oconto Falls was recently awarded the Bronze Level from the Wisconsin Health Communities – the only city receiving an award north of Appleton. “It’s with great pride to say that our community has been awarded such an honor. Oconto Falls offers so many wonderful opportunities and programs to make our lives healthier. With the addition of the Oconto Falls Dog Park, our furry family members can stay healthier, too. Playtime is a perfect way to spend time with our pups and get the exercise we both need. Great achievement, Emily!” stated Chamber President Gail Yatso.