Spiritual Care Week is Oct. 21 – 27

HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital in Oconto Falls recognizes Spiritual Care Week – a time to honor those who serve in various ministries and provide spiritual healing to others in need.

Spiritual Care Week, coming up Oct. 21 – 27, is sponsored by the Coalition on Ministry in Specialized Settings Network – a national organization of spiritual care providers, professionals, chaplains and a faith group endorser. The week-long observance recognizes the importance of spirituality and spiritual leaders as a part of the healing process.

“Spiritual caregivers make rounds to patients every day and are on-call after hours to provide spiritual assistance to patients and their families,” explains Mary Salm, Director of Spiritual Care and Mission Integration for HSHS Wisconsin and Door County Medical Center. “During times of illness, knowing someone cares brings a sense of healing and hope to the sick and their families. They offer support and education, share prayers and simply listen to patients.”

Each day, spiritual caregivers are invited into the life experiences of women, men, children and organizations. Spiritual Care Week provides an opportunity for the community to recognize chaplains and spiritual care counselors, educators and providers for bringing many gifts to the process of restoration to patients, young and old.

“Spiritual Care Week is a wonderful time to recognize those providing spiritual care within our community,” says Salm. “We honor the work of our hospital chaplains during this week, but also the work of the many other clergy and spiritual leaders throughout the area who faithfully come to be with their parishioners during hospital stays.”

All those who provide spiritual care to others, regardless of faith tradition, whether clergy or not, those who give spiritual care in specialized settings such as hospitals, prisons, businesses, industries, long-term care facilities, spiritual counseling centers, hospices, military settings, nursing homes, congregations of sisters, priests and brothers, schools, universities, seminaries, and many more – HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital celebrates them and appreciates all they do for our patients and the community.